Navah Music

  • Year22/05/2024
  • CountryGhana
  • ClientHubert Varlet Nwolley

About The Project

Navah, a contemporary Ghanaian gospel artist, entrusted us with the creation of his vibrant online platform. Our collaboration resulted in a user-friendly website that reflects Navah's unique musical style and shares his message of faith and inspiration with the world. From his early beginnings singing in church to his exploration of various musical instruments, Navah's website offers a glimpse into his musical journey and influences.
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About The Client

Navah, born Hubert Varlet Nwolley, is a contemporary Ghanaian gospel artist whose musical style bridges traditional Ghanaian gospel with emerging contemporary forms. Raised in Abidjan, Cote D’Ivoire, and Takoradi, Ghana, Navah's upbringing in a musical family and exposure to diverse cultures shaped his perspective of the art from an early age. With a passion for spreading the gospel through music, Navah's journey as an artist is defined by his commitment to inspiring and uplifting audiences worldwide.